
Tn 1971, Altman and Meharegan<sup>1</sup>and Kaidbey and Kurban<sup>2</sup>established inflammatory linear verrucose epidermal nevus (ILVEN) as a distinct clinical entity. Since that time, ILVEN has become recognized as a frequent cause of linear psoriasiform eruption. It has been suggested that previous cases that were reported as linear psoriasis and as psoriasis overlying an epidermal nevus were, in fact, misinterpreted cases of ILVEN. This case illustrates the potential complexity of diagnosing a linear psoriasiform eruption and it establishes psoriasis superimposed on an epidermal nevus as a distinct clinical entity. <h3>Report of a Case</h3> A 1-year-old infant had an inflammatory linear skin eruption on the right upper portion of his back and extending down the right arm (Fig 1). A light brown plaque had been noted in the axilla at birth. This lesion remained unchanged until the age of 6 months, when a psoriasiform scaling plaque developed over the

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