
College library as service providers in serving users of course with professional and competent services. Librarian is one aspect that is in direct contact with the visitors. Through excellent service, one of which is a plagiarism check, librarians assist users about the use of correct information as a reference for the final project. This study aims to determine the behavior of UMY students in avoiding acts of plagiarism in higher education. The author's approach is a qualitative study of literature and case studies in the field. Data analysis uses descriptive analysis. The results showed that the behavior of students in avoiding plagiarism in higher education could be done through library services and librarians as accompanying parties. The service is information literacy. This category of students is divided into 2: students who follow the flow of information literacy and those who do not follow the flow of information literacy. However, higher education libraries need to continue to develop information literacy materials to improve the human resources of the relevant academic community. In the end, it all aims to support the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in Indonesia

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