
Terra Nova, 22, 70–77, 2010 Abstract Two types of pseudotachylytes are observed in the Balmuccia peridotite of the Ivrea zone (Southern Alps, Italy). A-type pseudotachylytes correspond to previously studied occurrences and were formed under temperatures comprising between 550 and 900 °C and pressures comprising between 0.6 and 1.2 GPa. These conditions were met in the Ivrea crust between 350 and 270 Ma, suggesting that A-type pseudotachylytes were formed during Variscan tectonics or Permian transtensional tectonics. B-type pseudotachylytes post-date A-type pseudotachylytes. Textural characteristics of B-type veins suggest a formation in the upper continental crust, at depths of about 5–10 km or less. Petrological constraints indicate that the exhumation of the Ivrea crust at such shallow depths was achieved later than c. 70 Ma, thus providing a maximum age of 70 Ma for B-type veins. Pseudotachylytes appear as markers of the poly-orogenic evolution of the Alpine belt.

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