
Abstract Description One of the most frequent complication after esophagectomy is the anastomotic leakage, which is a determiming factor of morbidity and mortality after surgical treatment. The best location for the esophagogastric anastomosis (cervical or intra-thoracic) has been topic of discussion for many years, and surgical aspects as resected margins, recurrent nerve trauma and mainly the vascularization of the anastomosis. In this video we performed a cervical gastroplasty anastomosis (McKeown), side-to-side, stapled (linear stapler) with a thin gastric tube conduit, and after that we aimed to determine the feasibility and usefulness of indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence imaging to evaluate the gastric conduit perfusion during an esophagectomy. After pulling up the gastric conduit trhought the mediastinum and after performing the cervical anastomosis, 5 mg of ICG was in jected as a bolus and visual assessment of the blood supply of the gastric conduit was seen. This patient was a 63 years old, male, with adenocarcinoma of esophago-gastric junction (Siewert II) underwent to neoadjuvant quimiotherapy (FOLFOX regimen) and submitted after 3 cycles to esophagectomy (thoracoscopy and laparoscopy). No fistula was found in post operative follow-up, and either complications. Disclosure All authors have declared no conflicts of interest.

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