
随着计算机技术的不断发展,在PS转炉铜吹炼生产中,各种转炉模型已经可以模拟转炉炼铜的生产规律,各类热力学模型已经具有相当的规模。本文基于有效反应区模型来模拟炉内冶炼过程,划分了有效反应区,假设冰铜、炉渣、气体处于热力学平衡和质量守恒,利用FactSage软件建模和编程将热力学数据库结合起来,实现对整个PS转炉铜吹炼过程的模拟。并将模拟结果与实际生产数据对比,比较、分析和优化改进模型,进而开发适应性强、性能可靠、模拟相似度高的铜吹炼热力学模型。此模型对生产消耗、生产效率和产品质量等方面有着重要的意义,同时也为优化转炉操作提供了新的思路。 With the development of computer technology, all kinds of copper smelting converter model are able to simulate the rule of converter production, and all kinds of thermodynamic model expand their scale in the production of the PS copper converter blowing. Based on the effective reaction zone model for simulating the furnace smelting process, the model divides the effective reaction zone. Assuming that matter, slag and gas are in thermodynamics equilibrium and conservation of mass; the thermodynamic database is combined with modeling and programming in FactSage software to simulate the process of PS converter. The simulation results with the actual production data are compared; the improved model is analyzed and optimized; and then the thermodynamic model of copper blowing with high adaptability, reliable performance and high similarity is developed. This model of production consumption has important significance in production effi-ciency and product quality, and at the same time provides a new thought for the optimization of converter operation.

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