
Objective: this study was conducted to determine the ameliorative effect of Vernonia amygdalina (Bitter Leaves), Persea americana (Avogado) Leaves and Seeds on endothelial dysfunction produced in preeclampsia. Design and method: Female Rats after mated with male rats and confirmed pregnant were randomly grouped into nine and induced with Lipopolysaccharide (0.1 ml per Kg body weight) at gestational day 14 except for group one which served as the normal control. Other groups were treated with low and high doses of V. amygdalina, P. americana (Leaves and Seeds) except group two that were not treated (negative control) and group three that were treated with standard drug; Aldoment (positive control). Inducement, which was stopped after four days were done concurrently with treatment. Blood pressure and urinalysis were carried out before, during and after inducement and treatment. Biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction: Nitric Oxide (NO), Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (eNOS), Soluble Endoglin (sEng), Cardiac Troponin I, Creatine Kinase (CK), Triglyceride (TG) were determined in plasma while histological analysis was done on the harvested organ (heart). Data were analysed using Graph pad at significant less than 0.05. Results: In preeclamptic animals, there was a significant decrease in the plasma level of NO, eNOS and increase in the plasma level of sEng, Cardiac Troponin I, and TG compared with the normal control. There was no significant change in the plasma level of CK compared with the normal control animals. In addition, histopathological evaluation of cardiac muscle showed evidence of myocardiac picnotic changes and myLcytolysis compared with normal cardiac histology in the control animals. However, treatment with ethanoic extract of V. amygdalina (Bitter Leaves), P. americana (Avogado) Leaces and Seeds at high doses (200 mL per Kg body weight) significantly reverse this alterations at almost the same level with the standard drug. Conclusions: The present study suggest that preeclampsia is associated with endothelial dysfunction which is evident in NO, eNOS deficiencies as well as myocardiac apoptosis and this is ameliorated with supplementation of Vernonia amygdalina, Persea americana leaves and seeds. This effect is dose dependent.

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