
This paper presents the problem of teaching Polish as a foreign language to hearing impaired people, which is the subject analyzed by researchers of glottodidactics or surdoglottodidactics. The analyses conveyed in this paper refer to the problems of using prepositions that express spatial relations between objects in Polish language. Texts written by hearing impaired people show different problems that lead to mistakes occurring in using prepositions and words combined with them. The encountered problems are mostly caused by unawareness of the meaning of the prepositions, the lack of knowledge of the inflection that is obligatory after every preposition (agreement) and that is combined with the semantic of the whole phrase including preposition, and the ignorance of phrasal constructions. The mistakes occur in the analyzed texts, because students (and also their teachers) are unaware of differences between Polish spoken language and Polish sign language (PJM). The knowledge about different modality of each language and their specific subsystems (especially morphosyntactic) would enable teachers to teach Polish as a foreign language better, in more efficient way. They need to understand that Polish language is the educational language for hearing impaired students, the native language as second language, that in most situations functions as their first language.

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