
The article describes the circumstances in which the France-Pologne association, led by Henri de Montfort, was established in 1919 and operated to 1940. In the available literature on the subject, the activity of this association has not been given much attention. The Les Amis de la Pologne association established by Rosa Bailly in 1919 played an important role in creating a positive image of Poland in the city on the Seine in the interwar period. The recognition of the Polish National Committee (KNP) by Paris in August 1917 as the official Polish representation paved the way for the creation of the France-Pologne association. Having realised how important it was to use propaganda in international political and military relations, the Polish delegation to the Paris Peace Conference handed over the competences of the KNP Propaganda Office to the France-Pologne association. Its most important task was to conduct the promotional activities in the central press, supported by the government on the Seine. Throughout the interwar period, to advertise the Second Polish Republic’s achievements in France, France-Pologne co-organised readings, lectures, concerts, anniversary celebrations and participated in the scholarship exchange of Polish and French high schoolers and students. It also informed the French public opinion about economic relations with Poland in its magazines: „La Pologne. Politique, économique, littérraire et artistique”, „Bulletin d’information sur la vie économique polonaise” and „La Revue de l’Est Européen”.

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