
The article deals with issues related to the generally understood “hate” crime. The publication presents the above-mentioned issues from an international as well as a national perspective. Particular attention was paid to international organizations, including the EU Fundamental Rights Agencies or the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, which deal with, among others, monitoring this type of undesirable behavior. In addition, attention was drawn to the etiology of the concept of “hate” crimes, which prohibited acts are committed mainly out of prejudice against various backgrounds, mainly of a racist, ethnic, political or religious nature. The publication has been divided into several main parts, the most important of which concern: national, ethnic and religious minorities, as well as symbols of hatred. There were also issues related to statistical data on crimes related to the number of instituted proceedings and crimes identified within the scope of art. 256 of the Penal Code and 257 of the Penal Code

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