
The Mozgawa area, located in the Ponidzie Pińczowskie Region (SE part of the Nida River Basin), is a very good example of response of the natural environment to the progressive human impact. The research conducted there indicates that before the appearance of the first Neolithic farmers, the relief of the area was different to the modern one. Constant and intensive agricultural use of the loess plateau and the adjacent slopes (started in the Neolithic period some 5890±100 BP) led to the filling of the valley bottoms and local depressions with deluvial deposits, the thickness of which reaches up to 12 m. The deposition of these sediments and elevation of the surface level in the subordinate areas resulted in the creation of the Mozgawka River channel since the begining of the Roman Period. Formerly it was impossible (as it was within the depression) and the runoff was only through the karst system. Since that moment it has also started the accumulation of the alluvial fan, the progradation of which leads to the pushing of the Nida River channel towards the East.

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