
The authors – participants of the seminar devoted to the “Comparative syntax of predicative expressions in Polish, French and Italian”, conducted by Stanisław Karolak in the 1970s – decided to suggest an extension of the PSPA concept of syntax (podstawowa struktura predykatowo-argumentowa – the basic predicativeargumentative structure). They selected the predicates of persuasion because they studied them during their work with Professor Karolak (consult the Bibliography). For this purpose, they developed the abstract predicative-argumentative structure for a greater class, thus nullifying the requirement of the identity of the root as well as the differences in the content of the particular predicates. Therefore we may say that it is a model of the concept of persuasion. The validity of linking the exponents of the abstract predicate which have dissimilar roots is accounted for by the semantic morphological-syntactic restrictions, therefore the model that is put forward may be referred to as the conceptual model which is supported by the paradigmatic syntax. The model covers powodować ‘to cause something’, which is a clear indication that the predicates of persuasion belong to a more general class of causatives. In order to reject the plethora of various types of causation, the authors applied a morphologicalsyntactic filter.In the further part of the text the authors put forward an internal division of the concept of persuasion on the basis of syntactic and morphological exponents. Therefore a separate class is constituted by the predicates of the benefit for x (prosić ‘to ask for something’, błagać ‘to beg’, the former modlić kogoś o coś); a different group is constituted by the predicative expressions such as the following radzić ‘to advise somebody to do something’, zalecać ‘to recommend somebody to do something’, podszeptywać ‘to suggest something to somebody’, in which the resultative event is beneficial to y; the class of predicates with the meaning ‘x acts intentionally so that y does not do Z2’ (odciągać ‘to dissuade from’, odwodzić ‘to discourage from’, ostrzegać ‘to warn against’, wyperswadować ‘to reason somebody out of something’, zabraniać ‘to forbid’, powstrzymywać ‘to keep somebody from doing something’). The focus of the authors is on the class of predicates which takes into account evaluation, especially negative evaluation: podpuszczać ‘to lead somebody on’, judzić ‘to incite’, podżegać ‘to instigate’ etc.The model that is presented in the article enables us to establish and interpret the area of language in question not only in the modern Polish language, but also in the historical Polish language. Moreover, the model may be applied to comparative studies.

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