
Grape phylloxera, Dactulosphaira vitifoliae Fitch., is one of most destructive insect pest of cultivated grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) worldwide. Phylloxera was the cause of incomparable structural changes in European viticulture. It also led to the usage of new biotechnology – rootstocks for grape varieties. The direct damage is related to phylloxera feeding of roots and leaves. Rootstocks bred solely with American Vitis spp. parentage allow little or none of phylloxera related root damage that is seen on Vitis vinifera. Rootstocks with partial Vitis vinifera parentage may also confer a high level of grape phylloxera resistance, but this resistance is not durable. Rootstock was evaluated under laboratory conditions and with pot trials. Resistance against phylloxera at roots and leaves was evaluated. Highest resistance degree was proved for variety Börner. Good resistance was found for most of tested rootstock varieties. Very good resistance have SO4 PO 0/7 and Craciunel 2 PO 0/6. It is interesting, that hybrid Kl×SO4 has also relatively good resistance. This promising franco-american needs further examination thanks to its good growing properties. After long time, this research offers new results about rootstock and phylloxera interactions under conditions of Southern Moravia. Results serve as a ground for further resistance breeding against phylloxera in Czech Republic.

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