
El derecho fundamental al descanso diario (art. 31.2 CDFUE) que concreta la Directiva 2003/88 relativa a determinados aspectos de la ordenación del tiempo de trabajo debe interpretarse en el sentido de que, cuando un trabajador ha celebrado con un mismo empresario varios contratos de trabajo, el periodo mínimo de descanso diario se aplica a tales contratos considerados en su conjunto y no a cada uno de ellos por separado. The monitoring of the employee's computer equipment by her employer allowed the latter to access the employee's e-mails, outside her work duties, which served as the basis for proving breaches of contract on which the company based its disciplinary dismissal. Once the lower and appellate courts recognized the violation of the worker's fundamental rights to privacy and confidentiality of communications, the appellate judgment disconnected the unlawful taking of evidence with violation of fundamental rights from the dismissal with violation of fundamental rights, declared it unlawful and revoked the declaration of its nullity by the lower court. The Constitutional Court partially granted protection to the worker, considering that her fundamental right to effective judicial protection had been violated only insofar as the contested judgment did not award her compensation for the violation of her fundamental rights in obtaining the unlawful evidence.

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