
Observing the positive effects of PRP (platelet-rich plasma) used in various pathologies, both in traumatology, orthopedics, sports medicine, and in plastic and reconstructive surgery, we decided to develop an improved product, using granular hyaluronic acid. The paper aims at establishing a protocol for obtaining PRP enriched with hyaluronic acid, which can be used in the current practice of treatment of skin defects, safely, with minimal side effects and limited possible, but to provide a shorter healing period as compared to native, "free" healing. The experiment aims to find an effective and rapid method of healing wounds with skin defects, by using a local adjuvant (PRP enriched with hyaluronic acid), which is available to any plastic surgeon. Following the combination of PRP with granular hyaluronic acid, we obtained a product that macroscopically has a gelatinous, viscous consistency, with a good adhesion to the tissues. The potential benefits of this experiment could be the basis for the development of treatment protocols for various pathologies, which result in wounds with skin defects, the most important aspect being the shortening of the classic healing period.

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