
The labor field of University Center for Biological and Agricultural Sciences (CUCBA) graduates at the University of Guadalajara, has diversified, due the external needs and the availability of diverse operational technological equipment in companies. By the other hand, the Mexican public sector, in recent times, has restricted the hiring of several professional profiles, due to budget reductions to face the energy crisis in the country. About the problem of labor insertion, the University of Guadalajara has conducted studies of relevance of their diverse careers. One of the concerns latent certifiers from organisms is the way how the university faces the future of CUCBA professionals from its formation academic in their classrooms. All above, justifies the proposal for creation of tutoring laboratory specialized for development of entrepreneurship skills at CUCBA, with the purpose of supporting the career tutor to detect young talented people to the areas that represent to them opportunities in the Mexican professional market. The consolidation of this new departmental unit would take advantage of constant contact with students of CUCBA to guide them in lifelong learning and their consolidation as Mexicans with high values of solidarity and conservation of the environment with a sustainable approach.

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