
The study of host-pathogen interaction often requires interrogating the protein-protein interactions and examining post-translational modifications of the proteins. Traditional protein detection strategies are limited in their sensitivity, specificity, and multiplexing capabilities. The Proximity Ligation Assay (PLA), a versatile and powerful molecular technique, can overcome these limitations. PLA blends the specificity of antibodies, two antibodies detecting two different epitopes on the same or two different proteins, with the amplification efficiency of a polymerase to allow highly specific and sensitive detection of low-abundant proteins, protein-protein interactions, or protein modifications. In this protocol, we describe the application of PLA to detect the proximity between HIV-1 Tat with one of its cellular partners, p65, in an infected host cell. The protocol could be applied to any other context with slight modifications. Of note, PLA can only confirm the physical proximity between two epitopes or proteins; however, the proximity need not necessarily allude to the functional interaction between the two proteins.

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