
We have studied the proximity induced superconductivity of thick Cu layers (up to 105 µm) clad on Nb or Nb-Ti cores by measurements of the ac susceptibility and of the thermal conductivity as a function of temperature (7 mK ≦ T ≦ 1 K), field (0.4 mG ≦ H ≦ loG), and electronic mean free path (0.2 µm ≦ℓ≦14 µm). The dependence of the Meissner screening length and of the hysteretic breakdown field on these parameters agree with numerical solutions of the de Gennes/Ginzburg-Landau theory. Evaporating a layer of Fe on Cu in our Nb/Cu sample results in a strong depression of the proximity effect. No measurable field screening was observed in the investigated temperature range in Pd in contact with Nb/Cu or with Nb. -Experiments to extend these measurements to lower temperatures and thicker Cu layers are in progress.

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