
Dakere is a traditional steamed agglomerated dumpling produced from either millet (M) or sorghum (S) flour or both (MS). In the current study, millet and sorghum flours were separately fractionated into fine (f) (<250um), medium (m) (250-350um) and coarse (350-500um) fractions. Similar fractions from millet and sorghum were blended to obtain MfSf,MmSm and McSc. Each fraction was fortified separately with 30% toasted bambara groundnut or sesame seed flour or both (20% bambara groundnut and 10% sesame seed flour), blends were coded: MfSf, MmSm, McSc, MfSfB, MmSmB, McScB, MfSfSe, MmSmSe, McScSe, MfSfBSe, MmSmBSe and McScBSe. Experimental design corresponding to a 3x2x2 factorial design was used to generate runs and dakere were produced applying the traditional method of agglomeration of stiff dough followed by steaming, and thereafter dried. Traditional dakere was the experimental control. The blends and the dried modified dakere were evaluated for proximate composition and sensory properties. The moisture, crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre, total ash and carbohydrate contents of the blended fractions and the fortified blended fractions varied significantly (p<0-05): 9.40-10.55%,11.42-15.80%,1.20-2.22%, 0.62-0.96%, 3.62-7.38% and 63.56-72.30% respectively and for the various modified dakere: 9.20-10.255, 11.70-16.82%, 1.23-2.77%, 0.55-0.88%, 4.64-8.30% and 60.22-70.86% respectively. Blended fractions and fortified blended fractions had greater nutrient density than the control, however more in the blends containing both bambara groundnut and sesame seed flours. As for sensory attributes of the modified dakere, the blended fractions especially MfSf had the best appearance, fortified dakere the best aroma and taste scores especially dakere with sesame seed meal despite the dull appearance. Dakere produced with blended coarse fractions or fortified coarse fractions were crispier and were desired more than others. The overall acceptability scores were generally high, the highest score observed in the sesame seed meal treated dakere. The study had succeeded in enhancing the nutrient density and sensory properties of dakere, an agglomerated stiff dough through the blending of similar flour fractions from millet and sorghum and fortification of the same with grain legume flours.

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