
Seeds of Brazilian Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp cultivars (EPACE 10, EPACE 11, Pitiuba, TVu 1888, IPA 206 and Olho de Ovelha) were analysed to establish their proximate composition, amino acid content and presence of antinutritional and/or toxic factors. The seed protein, carbohydrate and oil contents ranged from 195 to 261 g kg-1 dry matter, from 678 to 761 g kg-1 dry matter and from 12 to 36 g kg-1 dry matter respectively. EPACE 10, EPACE 11, Pitiuba, TVu 1888, IPA 206 and Olho de Ovelha cultivars are rich in glutamin/glutamic acid, asparagin/aspartic acid and phenyl-alanine + tyrosine. The essential amino acid profile compared with the FAO/WHO/UNU scoring pattern requirements for different age groups showed that these seeds have methionine + cysteine as the first limiting amino acid for 2-5-year-old children. However, only Pitiuba, IPA 206 and Olho de Ovelha are deficient in methionine + cysteine for 10-12-year-old children. The contents of threonine, valine, isoleucine, leucine and methionine + cysteine of all cultivars were lower than those of hen egg. Haemagglutinating activity measured against rabbit erythrocytes was found to be present in the six cultivars, but only after the red cells were treated with proteolytic enzymes. All cultivars displayed protease inhibitor activity which varied from about 12.0 to 30.6 g trypsin inhibited per kg flour. Urease and toxic activities were not detected in any of the studied cultivars.

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