
Poultry is one of the leading meat products in South Africa, and its nutritional composition can be affected by the cut and cooking method. Limited food composition data are available for typical South African poultry products. This study investigated the effect of different cuts and cooking methods on the proximate and fatty acid composition as well as the cholesterol content of guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) meat. The open-roasting method produced the highest moisture content for all cuts, and the baking bag method the lowest. The baking bag method resulted in the highest protein content. Cooking method had no effect on fat content, although breast had the lowest and thigh the highest fat content. Ash content was highest in the open-roasted drumstick. All cuts, regardless of cooking method, had a favourable polyunsaturated/saturated fatty acid (P/S) ratio (>0.4). Their n-6/n-3 ratio was also within the recommended beneficial range (<4:1). Both cooking method and cut affected cholesterol content. Different cuts of guinea fowl vary in proximate and fatty acid composition as well as in cholesterol content, which in turn is affected to varying degrees by cooking method.

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