
Impairment of esophageal mucosal integrity as assessed by low mean nocturnal baseline impedance (MNBI) measured in the distal esophagus increases the diagnostic yield of impedance-pH in patients with inconclusive GERD diagnosis as defined by Lyon criteria. To assess the diagnostic yield of MNBI measurement in the proximal esophagus, and its relationship with PPI response. Expert review of off-therapy impedance-pH tracings from consecutive patients with heartburn, 80 responders and 80 non-responders to label-dose PPI. Data were compared to those from 36 healthy controls using ROC analysis. Multivariate analysis was performed to measure the strength of association of MNBI with PPI response. A threshold value of 2665 Ω was defined for proximal MNBI by ROC analysis, affording 91.7% sensitivity and 86.5% specificity. Proximal and distal MNBI were significantly lower in non-responder cases as compared to responders. Adding proximal MNBI positivity to pathologic (>6%) acid exposure time (AET) and positive symptom-reflux association, the proportion of patients with abnormal impedance-pH findings increased from 74/160 (46%) to 106/160 (66.3%) (p = 0.0016). Among the 12 patients with pathologic proximal MNBI as the only positive impedance-pH finding, 9 cases (75%) were PPI responders. According to multivariate analysis, AET and pathological distal and proximal MNBI were significantly associated with PPI response, the strongest association observed for proximal MNBI. Impedance baseline assessment in the proximal esophagus may increase the diagnostic yield of impedance-pH monitoring. Heartburn response to PPI is directly related to ultrastructural mucosal damage in the distal and in the proximal esophagus as well.

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