
Recent years saw an increase in voting systems using public permissionless blockchains. Although public blockchains offer transparency and immutability, permissioned consensus is better suited for voting systems’ requirements, because an initial level of trust in authorities is always required. Hence, a permissioned Distributed Ledger (DL) immutably storing the voting system’s audit trail satisfies demands measurably.ProvotuMN 3.0 is a decentralized and receipt-Free (RF) voting system based on an end-to-end verifiable Re-Encryption Mixnet (RMN). RMNs allow for flexible votes and elections and decouple the ballot structure from the cryptographic voting protocol. Thus, ProvotuMN decentralizes trust (i) through the use of cryptographic shuffles and Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs (NIZKP) in an RMN executed among DL nodes, (ii) by employing a distributed key generation for election keys, and (iii) by offering a decentralized re-encryption service assuring RF. Performance evaluations performed indicate that the voting scheme is scalable for large-scale voting.

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