
The introduction of highly automated, including unmanned vehicles, is one of the most important elements of global digitalization, which in most cases makes it possible to make transport more economical, faster and more comfortable. At the same time, it is associated with new risks, including the safety of passengers, as well as the need to ensure the protection of their rights and legitimate interests under a passenger transportation (chartering) agreement. This creates a request for regulatory restrictions on the use of artificial intelligence systems in transport. Therefore, today the transport legislation in our country does not allow or seriously restricts the possibility of operating vehicles using automatic systems without human intervention. Meanwhile, the use of unmanned vehicles for the transportation of passengers both in road and air transport is only a matter of time, which is why today in the Russian Federation there are a number of experimental legal regimes aimed at testing unmanned vehicles in order to spread them throughout the country in the nearest future. It seems that an important way to ensure a balance between the development and implementation of these technologies and the safety of their operation for a person, society, as well as protecting the rights of passengers will be the remote control of unmanned vehicles by a person and the possibility for his intervention in case of emergency in order to solve emerging problems. For these purposes, it is proposed to use private remote control dispatch centers that provide traffic control services for highly automated vehicles. The purpose of this article is to study the legal basis for the interaction between the operator and highly automated transport, the operator and owner of highly automated transport, etc. These can be legal relations for the provision of services for the dispatching control of unmanned vehicles, and the current example is operator control of traffic in railway transport.

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