
This paper addresses the problem of balancing the on-chip packet latencies in a chip multi-processor (CMP), which is simultaneously executing multiple applications. Specifically, this paper presents a balanced application-to-core mapping algorithm that aims to minimize the maximum on-chip packet latency of all running applications. The paper starts by formulating the balanced mapping problem for CMPs and proving its NP-completeness. Next it presents an efficient heuristic algorithm for solving the aforesaid problem, which utilizes the characteristics of on-chip cache and memory accesses in CMPs and takes into account the workload variations among applications. Simulation results on PARSEC benchmark suite show that the proposed algorithm lowers the maximum average packet latency of all applications by 11 percent while cutting the standard deviation of on-chip packet latencies by 99 percent. This is achieved by very little overhead in terms of the overall packet latency and power consumption averaged over all packets.

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