
Strategic land-use planning is the process where stakeholders work together to design future land-use to achieve more desirable economic, social or environmental outcomes. There is often uncertainty around the type of acoustical advice required for the purpose of informing strategic land-use planning decisions. There are also limitations to the level of technical detail that can be made available when little is known about the nature or locations of potential future development. EMM Consulting Pty Limited’s experience in recent years has provided opportunities to work on various strategic land-use planning projects. This experience has enabled an understanding of what is required by relevant stakeholders to appropriately inform decisions as well as what is possible from a technical perspective. The importance of establishing clear expectations around technical outcomes and uncertainties is highlighted, as well as the importance of collaboration with all relevant stakeholders. A strong understanding of the planning framework the project will be approved and operate within is critical. The importance of having an appropriate authority and/or framework to facilitate the implementation of required noise measures and a plan to transition existing land use is discussed. The benefits and limitations of a Noise Management Precinct, as described in the Noise Policy for Industry (NSW EPA, 2017), are identified. Noise modeling methods and technical assumptions that could be utilized to predict and manage likely impacts are described.

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