
The current research has been carried out with the aim of providing a digital marketing model based on dynamic capabilities in the automobile industry based on the foundational data theory. The research method is qualitative and based on foundational data theorizing. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect information, and data analysis was done using the Strauss and Corbin method and the paradigm model. The data has been collected through semi-structured interviews with 15 experts and managers with experience in the field of the automobile industry, based on the purposeful sampling method and up to the saturation of the required information and theoretical adequacy. The results of the data analysis obtained from the interviews during the process of open, central and selective coding led to the creation of a digital marketing model based on dynamic capabilities in the automotive industry based on foundational data theorizing. In this research, in order to obtain a model that can have a prescriptive aspect in addition to the descriptive aspect, it has been tried to move in a direction by choosing experts who have a positive consensus on them in the field of digital marketing and automotive industry in the society, so that the model's favorable condition to be However, marketing managers can take steps to improve dynamic capabilities in the automotive industry by considering the proposed research model.

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