
Purpose: The study evaluates how providers give patient education materials and identifies improvements to comply with Meaningful Use (MU) requirements.Methods: Thirty-eight patient-provider interactions in two health care outpatient clinics were observed.Results: Providers do not uniformly know MU patient education requirements. Providers have individual preferences and find gaps in what is available. Accessing and documenting patient education varies among providers. Embedded electronic health record (EHR) materials, while available, have technical access barriers.Conclusions: Providers’ EHR skills and knowledge levels contribute to non-standardized patient education delivery.


  • The study evaluates how providers give patient education materials and identifies improvements to comply with Meaningful Use (MU) requirements

  • Health sciences librarians frequently provide consumer health information and patient education, both of which contribute to improved health care quality, improved patient outcomes, and lowered health care costs

  • Four main themes surfaced as to why variation occurs in documenting patient education across all patientprovider interactions, and these themes are discussed in the following paragraphs

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Thirty-eight patient-provider interactions in two health care outpatient clinics were observed. A flow diagram of the perceived current state of patient education documentation was created based on the team’s knowledge of outpatient encounters. To ensure that outpatient clinics continue to meet these MU criteria, increasing the percentage of encounters that included appropriate patient education documentation by decreasing variability in the documentation process was necessary. To ensure that the flow diagram reflected all process variability and to begin to look for causes of these differences, the team conducted a Gemba walk,. In a Gemba walk, the team visits the location where the process occurs and purposefully evaluates the flow and context. In MU Stage 2, at the time of this study, only types 1 and 2 met requirements

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