
Aim: Proverb comprehension was tested in 22 patients with primary progressive aphasia utilizing idiom explanation task. The aim of this study was to determine proverb comprehension in PPA patients using the Proverb Scale. 
 Material and Methods: To assess the participants, Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale, the Pyramid and Palm Trees test and the Proverb Scale were used. 
 Results: As a result of statistical analysis, there was a significantly difference between svPPA and lvPPA regarding idiom comprehension scores, the Pyramid and Palm Trees Test Scores and MoCA scores. 
 Conclusion: It is an important study to understand how the abstraction in PPA works regarding the language. In PPA subtypes, semantic memory, proverb and MoCA scores were significantly different between logopenic and semantic variants. Although MoCA and proverb comprehension were correlated in svPPA, no correlation was found in lvPPA. With similar studies in the field, it would be possible to better explain the effects of PPA, a disorder characterized by language disorders.

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