
The present study was carried out in Jammu and Kashmir (India) and twelve sites spread across the entire state were selected. Variability studies in different seed sources of Cedrus deodara with respect to cone, seed and seedling traits were studies. The studies revealed significant variation in different cone and seed characteristics studied. A negative correlation existed in cone diameter and cone weight with altitude. Seed morphological characteristics (seed length, width and weight), seed germination and number of cotyledons which form the basis of selecting and delineating provenances also correlated negatively with altitude. Cone length and diameter, seed length and width and hypocotyl length increased from North to South and correlated negatively with latitude. The results further revealed the superiority of heavier cones and seeds with respect to seed germination. The study reveals that for delineating seed zones, provenance selection should be within an altitudinal range of 1500–1900 m a.s.l. and northern aspect seed sources be preferred.

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