
Research subject. This article considers accessory minerals, which, unlike zircons, are present in the vast majority of common clastic rocks. Materials and methods. The data on the chemical composition of minerals (garnet, tourmaline, chromespinelide, rutile, chloritoid and clinopyroxene) extracted from the Riphean and Vendian, as well as Upper Permian and Lower Triassic sandstones of the Southern Urals, were used to illustrate the features of applying various methods and techniques. In addition, numerous examples from publications are presented. Results. A number of modern methods for studying accessory minerals, which might be used to elucidate the composition and characteristics of the provenance rocks for terrigenous strata, were reviewed. Conclusions. It is shown that, similar to zircons, accessory minerals possess a significant potential in terms of providing important data on parent rocks.


  • A number of modern methods for studying accessory minerals, which might be used to elucidate the composition and characteristics of the provenance rocks for terrigenous strata, were reviewed

  • Similar to zircons, accessory minerals possess a significant potential in terms of providing important data on parent rocks

  • По данным (Малиновский и др., 2006), для реконструкции пород-источников клинопироксенов могут быть использованы дискриминационная диаграмма F1–F2, предложенная в работе (Nisbet, Pearce, 1977)

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Они характеризуются значительными вариациями химического состава (Ertl, 2009; и др.), что позволяет использовать их в качестве важного инструмента для реконструкции состава пород-источников обломочного материала (Henry, Dutrow, 1992; von Eynatten, Gaupp, 1999; Viator, 2003; Dutrow, Henry, 2011; Kowal-Linka, Stawikowski, 2013; Salata, 2014; Vďačný, Bačík, 2015). Вытекающий из анализа химического состава обломочных зерен турмалина вывод о поступлении их в осадок за счет размыва метаморфических пород выглядит достаточно убедительно, так как в каркасе песчаников и верхней перми, и нижнего триаса южных впадин Предуральского проги-

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