
Search engines are common tools for virtually every user of the Internet and companies, such as Google and Yahoo!, have become household names. Semantic Search Engines try to augment and improve traditional Web Search Engines by using not just words, but concepts and logical relationships. Given the openness of the Web and the different sources involved, a Web Search Engine must evaluate quality and trustworthiness of the data; a common approach for such assessments is the analysis of the provenance of information. In this paper a relevant class of Provenance-aware Semantic Search Engines, based on a peer-to-peer, data integration mediator-based architecture is described. The architectural and functional features are an enhancement with provenance of the SEWASIE semantic search engine developed within the IST EU SEWASIE project, coordinated by the authors. The methodology to create a two level ontology and the query processing engine developed within the SEWASIE project, together with provenance extension are fully described.

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