
Deniable Authenticated Encryption (DAE) scheme ensures the security of deniable authentication and confidentiality by performing both cryptographic functions of deniable authentication and public key encryption in one single logical step at a cost significantly lower than that required for performing these two functions separately. In this paper, we have designed a deniable authenticated encryption scheme CL-DAE on certificateless setting. We formalize the security and adversary model for deniable authentication and confidentiality and have proven the security in random oracle model. The proposed scheme can be applied to a network or system model where two communicating parties or devices exchanging their confidential messages and the recipient is not allowed to disclose the origin of message to any third party. Since our proposed protocol consumes very low cost, it is suited to implement on the framework where the constraints devices such as sensors, cell-phone, PDA, tablets etc. are involved in the communicating system. This protocols can be used for smart grid security, designing of secure exchange of e-mail, e-voting system etc.

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