
In 2021 as part of a research on apterygotes in Iran 18 specimens of Protura were collected; 14 of them were identified as Acerella muscorum (Ionesco, 1930), one was an Acerentomon belonging to the affine group, three were female specimens of a new species of Acerentulus described in this paper. Like other species belonging to confinis group, Acerentulus iranicus sp. nov. has a complete row of posterior setae (18) on tergite VII, a long foretarsal sensillum a almost reaching seta γ3, and sensilla b and c almost of the same length, both passing the base of seta γ3. The closest species to A. iranicus sp. nov. is A. setosus Szeptycki, 1993 from Western Caucasus (Russia). This species differs from the new species for its smaller pseudoculi, the ratio between mesothoracic setae P1 and P2, the presence of a doubled pore on tergite XII, and the longer foretarsal sensillum a. The partial description of an undetermined specimen of Acerentomon belonging to the affine group is outlined too. A key to the Protura species known from the Middle East is provided. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:A0243956-A081-4D5D-8FEA-361CA7123852

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