
Vehicle is a means of transport used to enable people to do daily activities. The security system of two motorcycle that circulating in Indonesia is still using a mechanical key-system. The place where the mechanical lock on the vehicle are very easily compromised by the criminals. In this study, the researchers designed a security system using RFID implant. The implementation is expected to be completed this year. The researchers will replace the mechanical lock system with lock system using RFID technology. RFID implant will be embedded into the human body, for example the human hand. Placement of implants in the human hand will enable people when operate an authentication system security using RFID implant. When the user is going to operate a vehicle, the user simply needs to get closer to the RFID implant that has been embedded into the vehicle. The system is in the vehicle will validate the user and then the system will turn on at the same electrical system powering the vehicle's engine. By utilizing RFID technology implant, researchers made an authentication system that is expected to facilitate the motorcycle owners to operate their vehicles and can improve the system of motorcycle security and safety

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