
The development of information technology today is very advanced. One example of the development of information technology is the implementation of a data warehouse. The data warehouse is a reacting database that can be used for query and analysis, object-oriented, integrated, time-variant, unchanging that is used to help decision makers. The eM-Tilang application system that is managed by the police requires the implementation of a data warehouse in order to improve community control on the highway and reduce traffic violations. the implementation of the data warehouse in the eM-Tilang system certainly requires supporting technologies such as data mining, OLAP (Online Analytical Processing), OLTP (Online Transaction Processing), ETL (Extract Transform Loading) / ELT (Extraxt Loading Transform), especially Cloud Computing IAAS (As A Services infrastructure). The implementation of the data warehouse is expected to assist the police in making informed decisions in order to improve public order on the highway and reduce traffic violations. Keywords : Data Warehouse; eM-Tilang; Prototype; Traffic Ticketing


  • One example of the development of information technology is the implementation of a data warehouse

  • The data warehouse is a reacting database that can be used for query and analysis, object-oriented, integrated, time-variant, unchanging that is used to help decision makers

  • The eM-Tilang application system that is managed by the police requires the implementation of a data warehouse in order to improve community control on the highway and reduce traffic violations. the implementation of the data warehouse in the eM-Tilang system certainly requires supporting technologies such as data mining, OLAP (Online Analytical Processing), OLTP (Online Transaction Processing), ETL (Extract Transform Loading) / ELT (Extraxt Loading Transform), especially Cloud Computing IAAS (As A Services infrastructure)

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Dari ketiga fungsi utama di atas, aplikasi eM-Tilang tidak menerapkan fungsi sebagai pengantar untuk membayar denda ke Bank / Panitera karena mekanisme melibatkan form atau kertas tilang, pada eM-Tilang form atau kertas bukti pelanggar tidak digunakan, aplikasi ini hanya mengirim reminder berupa ID Tilang yang menyimpan seluruh data atau catatan Polisi mengenai kronologis tilang yang akan diberikan kepada pengadilan atau kejaksaan yang memiliki website dengan integrasi database yang sama, sehingga apikasi ini hanya mendigitalisasi tilang pada fungsi nomer dua. Subject Oriented Data warehouse disusun berdasarkan subjek-subjek utama suatu database (seperti pelanggan, produk, penjualan) dimana setiap area fisik subjek diimplementasikan sebagai kumpulan dari table yang berhubungan dalam data warehouse dan tidak berorientasi pada proses atau fungsi aplikasi tertentu. User mengakses data warehouse melalui front-end tool atau aplikasi

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