
The proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) from tyrosine covalently linked to a metal complex has been studied. The reaction was induced by laser flash excitation of the metal complex, and PCET was bidirectional, with electron transfer to the excited or flash-quenched oxidized metal complex and proton transfer to water or added buffers in the solution. We found a competition between three different PCET mechanisms: (1) A concerted PCET with water as the proton acceptor, which indeed shows a pH-dependence as earlier reported (Sjodin, M.; Styring, S.; Akermark, B.; Sun, L.; Hammarstrom, L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2000, 122, 3932); (2) a stepwise electron transfer−proton transfer (ETPT) that is pH-independent; (3) a buffer-assisted concerted PCET. The relative importance of reaction 2 increases with oxidant strength, while that of reaction 1 increases with pH. At higher buffer concentrations reaction 3 becomes important, and the rate follows the expected first-order dependence on the concentration of the buffer ...

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