
We have used the ring polymer molecular dynamics method to study the Azzouz-Borgis model for proton transfer between phenol (AH) and trimethylamine (B) in liquid methyl chloride. When the A-H distance is used as the reaction coordinate, the ring polymer trajectories are found to exhibit multiple recrossings of the transition state dividing surface and to give a rate coefficient that is smaller than the quantum transition state theory value by an order of magnitude. This is to be expected on kinematic grounds for a heavy-light-heavy reaction when the light atom transfer coordinate is used as the reaction coordinate, and it clearly precludes the use of transition state theory with this reaction coordinate. As has been shown previously for this problem, a solvent polarization coordinate defined in terms of the expectation value of the proton transfer distance in the ground adiabatic quantum state provides a better reaction coordinate with less recrossing. These results are discussed in light of the wide body of earlier theoretical work on the Azzouz-Borgis model and the considerable range of previously reported values for its proton and deuteron transfer rate coefficients.

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