
Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) magnetization exchange is used to investigate residual dipolar couplings in a series of cross-linked poly(styrene–cobutadiene) elastomers. A new model for the dipolar unit is used for the evaluation of the signal decay in magnetization exchange experiments. It takes into account an extended residual dipolar coupling network along the polymer chain. It is shown that in the regime of short mixing times, information about the residual dipolar coupling between methine and methylene protons can be obtained which is not affected by other inter- and intramolecular dipolar couplings. The dynamic order parameter of methine–methylene protons is measured and correlated with cross-link density. This study certifies the quality of a filter for magnetization from residual dipolar couplings which exploit magnetization exchange. The filter can be used to generate contrast in NMR images of heterogeneous elastomers. The first proton NMR parameter image of a dynamic order parameter is presented for a phantom made from poly(styrene–cobutadiene) samples with different cross-link densities.

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