
Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are widely used to treat acid-related disorders in the gastrointestinal tract; however, PPI use increases the risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD) through unclear mechanisms. Considering that PPIs disturb the gut microbiome balance, which is involved in the precursor of gut-derived uremic toxin accumulation, and that gut-derived uremic toxins aggravate CKD progression, the aim of this study is to elucidate whether PPIs affect gut-derived uremic toxin metabolism, including indoxyl sulfate (IS), p-cresyl sulfate, and trimethylamine-N-oxide, as a mechanism for causing CKD. The present study showed that 3 week-treatment of PPIs (omeprazole, lansoprazole, and pantoprazole at 30 mg/kg) in mice only increased IS plasma levels among the above three gut-derived uremic toxins. Additionally, lansoprazole increased IS plasma concentrations along with increased exposure dose (7.5–30 mg/kg) and duration (1–3 weeks). However, nephrotoxicity with mild changes in glomerular structure and signs of fibrosis were observed only in groups exposed to a 3-week treatment of PPIs (30 mg/kg). As the concentrations of indole (the precursor of IS from gut metabolism) in the colon were only increased in the pantoprazole-treated group, the mechanism of increased IS exposure remains unclear. Further studies revealed that PPIs (omeprazole and lansoprazole; but not pantoprazole) increased IS production from indole in primary mouse hepatocytes in a concentration-dependent manner. Additionally, the increased protein levels of hepatic CYP2E1 (the key enzyme mediating IS formation) due to suppressed degradation resulted in an increase in IS levels. Although omeprazole and lansoprazole significantly inhibited IS uptake in hOAT1/3 in vitro, 3 weeks of PPI treatment did not reduce IS renal excretion in mice. In conclusion, PPIs induced IS synthesis via increased hepatic CYP2E1 protein level, subsequently leading to increased IS exposure. These findings present a plausible biological mechanism to explain the association of PPI use with the increased risk of CKD.

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