
Cervical lymph node metastases of squamous cell carcinoma from occult primary constitute about 3-5% of all patients with carcinoma of unknown primary site (CUP). Identification of subgroups with favorable prognosis is of decisive importance for the therapy of patients with CUP syndrome, including prolonged survival from directed treatment. The patients with neck node metastases from occult head and neck cancer have clinical features and prognosis similar to other head and neck malignancies. Treatment of patients with metastatic squamous cell carcinoma involving cervical lymph nodes of an unknown primary origin should be similar to that of patients with locally advanced carcinoma of the head and neck. Therapeutic approaches include surgery (lymph node excision or neck dissection), with or without post-operative radiotherapy, radiotherapy alone and radiotherapy followed by surgery. In early stages (N1), neck dissection and radiotherapy seem to have similar efficacy, whereas more advanced cases (N2, N3) necessitate combined approaches. The extent of radiotherapy (irradiation of bilateral neck and mucosa versus ipsilateral neck radiotherapy) remains debatable. A potential benefit from extensive radiotherapy should be weighted against its acute and late morbidity and difficulties in re-irradiation in the case of subsequent primary emergence. The role of other methods, such as chemotherapy and hyperthermia, remains to be determined.


  • In early stages (N1), neck dissection and radiotherapy seem to have similar efficacy, whereas more advanced cases (N2, N3) necessitate combined approaches

  • Identification of subgroups with favorable prognosis is of decisive importance for the therapy

  • ESMO consideră că nu este necesară urmărirea pacienţilor asimptomatici, în timp ce unii autori recomandă o supraveghere atentă pentru a se putea institui un tratament imediat în cazul apariţiei tumorii primare sau a altor metastaze

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In early stages (N1), neck dissection and radiotherapy seem to have similar efficacy, whereas more advanced cases (N2, N3) necessitate combined approaches. Metastazele ganglionare laterocervicale de carcinom spinocelular reprezintă 3-5% din toate neoplasmele de cap și gât, sunt mai frecvente la bărbaţi (80%), vârsta medie de apariţie este de 60 de ani, afecţiunea aflându-se printre primele 10 cele mai frecvente neoplasme în Europa. (11) Compararea studiilor în acest domeniu arată că rata de apariţie a tumorii primare după tratamentul chirurgical a fost de 25%, recurenţa metastazei ganglionare de 34%, iar rata de supravieţuire la 5 ani de 66%.

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