
IntroductionA working knowledge of data analytics is becoming increasingly important in the digital health era. Interactive dashboards are a useful, accessible format for presenting and disseminating health-related information to a wide audience. However, many oral health researchers receive minimal data visualisation and programming skills.ObjectivesThe objective of this protocols paper is to demonstrate the development of an analytical, interactive dashboard, using oral health-related data from multiple national cohort surveys.MethodsThe flexdashboard package was used within the R Studio framework to create the structure-elements of the dashboard and interactivity was added with the Shiny package. Data sources derived from the national longitudinal study of children in Ireland and the national children’s food survey. Variables for input were selected based on their known associations with oral health. The data were aggregated using tidyverse packages such as dplyr and summarised using ggplot2 and kableExtra with specific functions created to generate bar-plots and tables.ResultsThe dashboard layout is structured by the YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) metadata in the R Markdown document and the syntax from Flexdashboard. Survey type, wave of survey and variable selector were set as filter options. Shiny’s render functions were used to change input to automatically render code and update output. The deployed dashboard is openly accessible at https://dduh.shinyapps.io/dduh/. Examples of how to interact with the dashboard for selected oral health variables are illustrated.ConclusionVisualisation of national child cohort data in an interactive dashboard allows viewers to dynamically explore oral health data without requiring multiple plots and tables and sharing of extensive documentation. Dashboard development requires minimal non-standard R coding and can be quickly created with open-source software.

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