
ConspectusCentral to the quest of understanding the emergence of life is to uncover the role of metals, particularly iron, in shaping prebiotic chemistry. Iron, as the most abundant of the accessible transition metals on the prebiotic Earth, played a pivotal role in early biochemical processes and continues to be indispensable to modern biology. Here, we discuss our recent contributions to probing the plausibility of prebiotic complexes with iron, including heme and iron-sulfur clusters, in mediating chemistry beneficial to a protocell. Laboratory experiments and spectroscopic findings suggest plausible pathways, often facilitated by UV light, for the synthesis of heme and iron-sulfur clusters. Once formed, heme displays catalytic, peroxidase-like activity when complexed with amphiphiles. This activity could have been beneficial in two ways. First, heme could have catalytically removed a molecule (H2O2) that could have had degradative effects on a protocell. Second, heme could have helped in the synthesis of the building blocks of life by coupling the reduction of H2O2 with the oxidation of organic substrates. The necessity of amphiphiles to avoid the formation of inactive complexes of heme is telling, as the modern-day electron transport chain possesses heme embedded within a lipid membrane. Conversely, prebiotic iron-sulfur peptides have yet to be reported to partition into lipid membranes, nor have simple iron-sulfur peptides been found to be capable of participating in the synthesis of organic molecules. Instead, iron-sulfur peptides span a wide range of reduction potentials complementary to the reduction potentials of hemes. The reduction potential of iron-sulfur peptides can be tuned by the type of iron-sulfur cluster formed, e.g., [2Fe-2S] versus [4Fe-4S], or by the substitution of ligands to the metal center. Since iron-sulfur clusters easily form upon stochastic encounters between iron ions, hydrosulfide, and small organic molecules possessing a thiolate, including peptides, the likelihood of soluble iron-sulfur clusters seems to be high. What remains challenging to determine is if iron-sulfur peptides participated in early prebiotic chemistry or were recruited later when protocellular membranes evolved that were compatible with the exploitation of electron transfer for the storage of energy as a proton gradient. This problem mirrors in some ways the difficulty in deciphering the origins of metabolism as a whole. Chemistry that resembles some facets of extant metabolism must have transpired on the prebiotic Earth, but there are few clues as to how and when such chemistry was harnessed to support a (proto)cell. Ultimately, unraveling the roles of hemes and iron-sulfur clusters in prebiotic chemistry promises to deepen our understanding of the origins of life on Earth and aids the search for life elsewhere in the universe.

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