
Several health organizations recommend that people be regularly checked for proteinuria to detect and treat kidney disease before it progresses. Proteinuria detected by a simple dipstick test should be confirmed by a quantitative measurement to assess persistent proteinuria. Most proteins are too big to pass through the kidneys' filters into the urine unless the kidneys are damaged. Markers of kidney damage in addition to proteinuria include abnormalities in the urine sediment, ultrasound of the kidneys and estimation of kidney function (creatinemia to calculate glomerular filtration rate). These assessments provide clues to the type (diagnosis) of chronic kidney disease and will the risk for developing progressive kidney failure. Thus, early detection of kidney disease will result in a more timely introduction of therapy that may slow the course of kidney disease. Microalbuminuria (albumin excretion above the normal range) that a marker of microvascular lesions in diabetes and hypertension is associated with a worth cardiovascular prognosis. Level of proteinuria in excess of 3,0 g/d in glomerular disease strongly determines the extent of kidney damage and renal prognosis.

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