
Castor is industrially important non-edible oil seeds crop severely affected by soil borne pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ricini which causes heavy economic losses among the castor growing states in India and worldwide. The development of Fusarium wilt resistant varieties in castor is also challenging because the genes identified for resistance are recessive in nature. Unlike transcriptomics and genomics, proteomics is always a method of choice for quick identification of novel proteins expressed during biological events. Therefore, comparative proteomic approach was employed for identification of proteins released in resistant genotype during Fusarium infection. Protein was extracted from inoculated 48–1 resistant and JI-35 susceptible genotype and subjected to 2D-gel electrophoresis coupled with RPLC-MS/MS. This analysis resulted in 18 unique peptides in resistant genotype and 8 unique peptides in susceptible genotype were identified through MASCOT search database. The real time expression study showed that 5 genes namely CCR 1, Germin like protein 5-1, RPP8, Laccase 4 and Chitinase like 6 was found highly up-regulated during Fusarium oxysporum infection. Furthermore, end point PCR analysis of c-DNA showed amplification of three genes namely Chitinase 6 like, RPP8 and β-glucanase exclusively in resistant genotype indicating that these genes may be involved in resistance phenomenon in castor. Up-regulation of CCR-1 and Laccase 4 involved in lignin biosynthesis provides mechanical strength and may help to prevent the entry of fungal mycelia and protein Germin like 5-1 helps to neutralized ROS by SOD activity. The clear role of these genes can be further confirmed through functional genomics for castor improvement and also for development of transgenic in different crops for wilt resistance.

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