
There are several physiological roles postulated for aqueous humor, a liquid located in the anterior and posterior chamber of the eye, such as maintenance of the intraocular pressure, provision of nutrients, and removal of metabolic waste from neighboring tissues and provision of an immune response and protection during inflammation and infection. To link these function to specific or classes of proteins, identification of the aqueous humor proteome is essential. Aqueous humor obtained from healthy New Zealand white rabbits was analyzed using three synergistic protein separation methods: 1-D gel electrophoresis, 2-DE, and 1-DLC (RPLC) prior to protein identification by MS. As each of these separation methods separates intact proteins based on different physical properties (pIs, molecular weights, hydrophobicity, solubility, etc.) the proteome coverage is expanded. This was confirmed, since overlap between all three separation technologies was only about 8.2% with many proteins found uniquely by a single method. Although the most dominant protein presented in normal aqueous humor is albumin, by using this extensive separation/MS strategy, additional proteins were identified in total amount of 98 nonredundant proteins (plus an additional ten proteins for consideration). This expands the current protein identifications by approximately 65%. The aqueous humor proteome comprises a specific selection of cellular and plasma based proteins and can almost exclusively be divided into four functional groups: cell-cell interactions/wound healing, proteases and protease inhibitors, antioxidant protection, and antibacterial/anti-inflammatory proteins.

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