
Aims/Purpose: To present distinct signalling pathways involved in the development of age‐related cataract (ARC) and post‐vitrectomy cataract (PVC).Methods: Three sample groups, for example, the aqueous humour, the anterior capsule and the content of the phaco cassette, were collected during cataract surgery. The samples were collected from 12 patients without diabetes mellitus (DM), older than 75 years old, and from 7 patient patients without DM, who had undergone vitrectomy for retinal detachment in the past 12 months. The samples were prepared based on Sp3 protocol (single‐pot, solid‐phase‐enhanced, sample‐preparation). The recognition and quantification of proteins was performed with liquid chromatography online with tandem mass spectrometry. Data analysis was performed using the DIA‐NN software for identification and quantification of peptides and proteins. Perseus software was used for statistical analysis and data visualization.Results: Wnt signalling pathway and oxidation–reduction pathway were significantly upregulated in the content of the phaco cassette samples of ARC, while proteasome complex and complement/coagulation cascades pathways were upregulated in those of PVC. Regulation of complement pathway was significantly upregulated in all three samples of PVC. Lipid/fatty acid oxidation and response to hydrogen peroxide pathways were upregulated in anterior capsule samples of PVC.Conclusions: Comparisons between the three sample types of ARC and PVC, revealed proteomic profiles and deregulated pathways, that clarify the pathophysiology of those types of cataract. These data sets may allow the identification of specific proteins as druggable targets against cataract.

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