
Although neonatal exposure to estrogen or estrogenic compounds results in irreversible changes in the brain function and reproductive abnormalities during adulthood but the underlying mechanisms are still largely unknown. The present study has attempted to compare the protein profiles of sexually dimorphic brain regions of adult female rats which were exposed to estradiol- 17β during neonatal period. The total proteins extracted from pre-optic area (POA), hypothalamus, hippocampus and pituitary of control and neonatally E2 treated female rats was subjected to 2D-SDS-PAGE and differentially expressed proteins were identified by MALDI TOF/TOF-MS. Our results revealed that a total of 21 protein spots which were identified as differentially expressed in all the four regions analyzed; the differential expression was further validated by RT-PCR and western blotting. The differentially expressed proteins such as 14-3-3 zeta/delta (POA), LMNA (hippocampus), Axin2 (hypothalamus), Syntaxin-7 (hippocampus), prolactin and somatotropin (pituitary) which have very important functions in the process of neuronal differentiation, migration, axon outgrowth, formation of dendritic spine density and synaptic plasticity and memory have not been previously reported in association with neonatal estrogen exposure. The affected brain functions are very important for the establishment of sex specific brain morphology and behavior. Our results suggest that the differentially expressed proteins may play an important role in irreversible changes in the brain function as well as reproductive abnormalities observed in the female rats during adulthood.

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