
Abstract De-oiled sunflower meal (DSF) and its protein isolate were evaluated as emulsifiers to replace egg yolk powder (EYP) in cookies. The chemical emulsifier DATEM (Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Mono- and Diglycerides) was used as a positive control. An experimental design of mixtures of the simplex-centroid type was carried out, and the ingredients were expressed as pseudo-components for EYP, DSF, and DATEM emulsifier. The DSF and its sunflower protein isolate (SPI) were tested to validate the design in optimized conditions. Whole meal cookies were analyzed in relation to rheological, physical, technological, and sensory characteristics using the control difference test. In the rheology of the dough, the DSF caused a reduction in the value of hardness, while increasing the parameter of elasticity. Instrumental texture results as well as the specific volume of the samples showed no difference. The control difference test regarding the cookies made with EYP, SPI, and DSF showed that consumers did not give different ratings to cookies made with sunflower as an emulsifier. Therefore, according to the parameters, conditions, and analysis performed, the replacement of EYP by DSF and SPI proved to be satisfactory as an emulsifying agent regarding the preparation of cookies for vegan consumers.

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