
The diversity of components for fourproteinase inhibitors found in species ofthe genus Vigna subgenus Ceratotropis are described. Trypsin,chymotrypsin, subtilisin and cysteineproteinase inhibitors were analyzedby isoelectric focusing followed by thegelatin replica method. Of these proteinaseinhibitors, trypsin inhibitors showedmost polymorphism both within and betweenspecies. Many trypsin inhibitor componentswere also active to chymotrypsin. Severalaccessions had very low levels or absenceof some inhibitors, such as very low levelsof trypsin inhibitor in two accessions ofthe V. tenuicaulis and absence ofchymotrypsin inhibitors in V.grandiflora and V. subramaniana.Proteinase inhibitor polymorphism broadlyagreed with the taxonomic system for thesubgenus Ceratotropis. Based oninhibitor variation species analyzed couldbe divided into three groups whichcorresponding to sections Aconitifoliae, Angulares and Ceratotropis. Some species have verylittle variation in trypsin inhibitorsdespite wide distribution, such as, V.radiata and V. reflexo-pilosa.Accessions of other species showedconsiderable intraspecific variation fortrypsin inhibitors, such as, V.grandiflora, V. aconitifolia andV. stipulacea. Proteinase inhibitorpolymorphism provides an indication of thespecies that may have contributed a genometo the tetraploid species, V. reflexo-pilosa.

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