
In his best imitation of actor James Earl Jones, the voice of Darth Vader in the movie Star Wars, Gregory A. Petsko invited participants at last month's Symposium of the Protein Society in San Diego to come over to the Dark Side and study protein function. Petsko is chemistry and biochemistry professor and director of the Rosenstiel Basic Medical Sciences Research Center of Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass. Because it's so hard to get functional information on proteins, Petsko said, function is sort of the Dark Side. It's the side where, if you follow that path forever, it will dominate your destiny. I think we all need to move over to the Dark Side, he added. I don't see how we can avoid it. Petsko pointed out that in the past 25 years, we've had three gigantic revolutions in our studies of proteins. The first was the revolution of molecular biology. ...

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